Monday, 6 May 2013


(Follow me on instagram: @teresaabreulima)

Manobeina, is the responsible for this drawing. 
I received her comment on my Girl with Curves illustration, and became interested on this kind of approach. 
I explored her blog and found her face super interesting, although the first thing i wanted to draw were her legs - deliciously curvy! 
I find it interesting, considering the comments and messages relating to my illustrations, asking/wishing for portraits when i don't have a clue what i'm going to illustrate/sketch next.  I find it the best way to practice on real people. Thank you Chidimma Aniebonam for the suggestion! 
As someone said... "careful what you wish for"! 

Manobeina é a responsável pela presente ilustração. 
Recebi o seu comentário no meu post Girl with Curves, e reservei a ideia de a desenhar.
Apercebi-me que através dos comentários que recebo, não só conheço novos blogs como descubro novos meios/personalidades passíveis de serem desenhadas pela minha mão, tão necessitada de se treinar! Posto isto, a partir de agora, tenham cuidado com o que desejam! 

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

found you blog because of her blogpost about this drawing ^^

The Fashion Menue