Friday, 11 October 2013

Pancakes with chocolate bits

It's a very easy recipe, that you can make at any time of the day. Just remember to have the following ingredients: 
1 egg
1 cup (teacup) of flour
1 cup (teacup) of yogurt
1/2 cup (teacup) of sugar (brown sugar)
Some chocolate bits - if you don't have this kind of chocolate, you can simply smash (into little peaces) the one you have
A little bit of cinnamon (if you wish)

Esta receita é muito simples e rápida de se fazer. Os ingredientes a ter em conta são:
1 chávena de farinha
1 chávena de iogurte natural
1/2 chávena de açúcar (amarelo)
Pedaços de chocolate preto
Canela q.b. (se desejar)

Afiyet Olsun! :)

Bom apetite!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorei. Vou fazer! Obrigado